Blue Eyes: An Intelligent Sensing System
Blue Eyes, Bluetooth, sense, emotions, image processing, artificial intelligence.
Today’s world is of artificial intelligence which shows how far a human mind can think and work. Giving machines a human power- To sense and react is possible by the use of a technology named- Blue Eyes. This paper implements a new technique called as Human-Machine interaction at emotional level of Blue Eyes Technology which recognizes human using image processing techniques by extricating an eye portion from the captured image which is then differentiated with the images stored in data base. This information is then analyzed to determine the user's physical, emotional, or informational state, which in turn can be used to make the user more productive by performing expected actions or by providing expected information. Depending on the identified mood or emotion, machine can interact with human through various songs to make human emotional level normal. The Blue Eyes Technology developed is intended to be a complex solution for monitoring and recording the operator’s conscious brain involvement as well as his/her physiological condition. This shows yet another development in the field of Brain Computer Interface.
"Blue Eyes: An Intelligent Sensing System", IJNRD - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NOVEL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (, ISSN:2456-4184, Vol.3, Issue 7, page no.65-67, July-2018, Available :
Volume 3
Issue 7,
Pages : 65-67
Paper Reg. ID: IJNRD_180135
Published Paper Id: IJNRD1807011
Downloads: 000118815
Research Area: Engineering
Country: Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
ISSN: 2456-4184 | IMPACT FACTOR: 8.76 Calculated By Google Scholar | ESTD YEAR: 2016
An International Scholarly Open Access Journal, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed Journal Impact Factor 8.76 Calculate by Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool, Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Multilanguage Journal Indexing in All Major Database & Metadata, Citation Generator
Publisher: IJNRD (IJ Publication) Janvi Wave